Venturing is a coed program for young adults ages 13 (and have completed the 8th grade) through 20 that Venturing’s motto, “Lead the Adventure,” reminds Venturers to always pursue life in the spirit of adventure. There are currently 158,000 Venturers and 58,000 adult volunteers in the United States.
Venturers discover a world of excitement full of heart-pounding adventure and far-off travel, while they develop a lifestyle of genuine friendship and caring for others. From experiencing the thrill of zip lining and the accomplishment of summiting challenging peaks, to the heart-pounding charge of whitewater rafting and the thrill of scuba diving, in Venturing friends have the time of their lives while learning about life, together.
Build an Adventure | Venturing from Unblind Productions, Inc. on Vimeo.
Find adventure, gain confidence, laugh, hang out, and above all, make memories that you'll cherish forever. If you're ready to travel to new places, meet new friends, and go on high-adventure excursions, then Venturing is the place for you.