Join Scouting

The Adventure Begins Here...
The adventure starts with Cub Scouting, a year-round family program designed for youth in the Kindergarten through 5th grades. The program emphasizes shared leadership, learning about the community, family understanding, character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.
Our youth grow up fast. Give your scout a valuable gift by encouraging them to join Cub Scouting today.
Character Development
Scouts BSA is for youth who are 11, but have not reached age 18, or are at least 10 years old, currently in the fifth grade and registered with a troop on or after March 1st, or have earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old. Youth experience a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult Scoutmaster to achieve the BSA's objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness. Camping, fun with friends -- and more. It’s the adventure of a lifetime.
The time you invest in your child today will make a difference in the person they become tomorrow.
Experiences of a Lifetime
Venturing is a high-adventure program for youth 14 through 20 years of age, or 13 years of age and have completed the eighth grade. The program provides positive experiences through exciting and meaningful youth-run activities that help them pursue their special interests, grow by teaching others, and develop leadership skills.
Life is an adventure…go higher, go farther, go Venturing.
Give Back to the Youth in Your Area
Through volunteering with the Boy Scouts of America, you will work with youth to build a better future for everyone.
Scouting volunteers come to Scouting from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Plumbers, lawyers, housewives, teachers, doctors, janitors, and scientists—people from just about every occupation imaginable – are involved in leading youth to become responsible, caring, and competent citizens. They also quickly discover that Scout volunteering enables them to learn new skills and build lifelong friendships while having fun.