Wood Badge 7-211-24

The Istrouma Area Council will once again offer a Wood Badge course in the Spring of 2024. This training is a participant-friendly course for Scout Leaders of all programs: Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Exploring. It will provide the skills that will help you become a more effective leader. The ultimate purpose of Wood Badge is to help leaders deliver the highest quality Scouting program to our youth. It models the best techniques for developing leadership and teamwork among both youth and adult leadership.

Wood Badge has two parts. The first part consists of both a 3-day weekend and a 2-day weekend of practical experience where you will learn skills and concepts that underscore the five Themes of Wood Badge: Connecting, Guiding, Empowering, Growing, and Living the Values. In the second part of the course, you will create a “ticket” (project) to put those skills into action. You will be awarded Wood Badge Beads, as well as a Woggle and Neckerchief upon successful completion of your "ticket".

The “early bird” cost of the course is $210, and that discounted fee will end on 08.22.23. The “on time” fee will then be $235 until 12.24.23, and the “late” fee will increase to $265 until 01.15.24. The fee for Staff is $200.  All fees are due in full by Monday, January 15, 2024.  Registration fees include meals, an activity t-shirt, a course hat, and program materials. (An additional hat is $12, and an additional T-shirt is $10.) A deposit of $100.00 along with your completed online registration will secure your spot in our Spring 2024 course. Space is limited to a maximum of 48 participants! Wood Badge camperships are available on an "as needed basis", so please contact the course leadership in writing for a Campership application. Unfortunately, not all applicants are guaranteed assistance.

Wood Badge Training Requires Two Weekends:

a 3-Day Weekend and a 2-Day Weekend

1st Course Weekend: February 23-25, 2024. Friday, 7:00 a.m. until Sunday, late afternoon at Avondale Scout Reservation

2nd Course Weekend: March 9-10, 2024. Saturday, 7:00 a.m. until Sunday, late afternoon at Avondale Scout Reservation

Attendance at all sessions on both weekends is required.

An Annual Health and Medical Record Form (part A, B, & C) is required for the course.

 Annual Health and Medical Record

Candidates must be trained for their program and position (i.e.) must have Position Specific Training, and current Youth Protection Training. Cub Scout Leader Outdoor Training (BALOO) is required for Cub Scout Leaders and Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) for Scouts BSA leaders.


File Name Description
2024 Wood Badge Flyer Download
BSA Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist - Fillable Update 3/2022; Posted 9/2022 Download
Council Refund Policy Refund requests for activities and trainings by the Calcasieu Area Council must be made in writing via mail, fax, or email. The date of the request and reason determines eligibility. For details, please read this Refund Policy. Download